Thursday, September 29, 2016

Swipe or Settle - Make your Relationship Last!!

Choosing a partner is a most important life decision. The right partner enable career success, family happiness and improves our own self - worth. Its about the Choices you make with them...

One must choose wisely else this fear of choosing unwisely makes us repeatedly swipe or constantly question the relationship we are in, even after we have chosen.

It's like Hunt until you find the perfect one OR enjoy with the not so perfect one everyday and allow the relationship to become perfect for you.

It takes a lot of work to produce a lasting bond and the right reactions for the relationship to last longer....

  • Love is a Daily Choice
  • Co-create a Dream and it does matter that you want the Same things in Life
  • Once something is forgiven, it needs to be released...Let It Go 
  • Pick someone you like doing nothing ..haha one get older there is a lot of doing nothing!
  • It takes a family to support a long partnership...
  • Retain yourself as an individual with your Self- Worth.
  • Make romance out of mundane things 
  • That desire to always be close.

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