Thursday, September 15, 2016

Questions which helped me on my Path for Self Discovery

Well crafted questions are powerful tools to invite insight and solutions for our life. We are all naturally curious and want to discover more about ourselves.

Consider working with a coach or a mentor to support you moving forward and achieving your best life.
  1. Who or what is holding you back the most right now and why? 
  2. What do you need to accomplish in your life to feel fulfilled and complete? 
  3. Is your life moving in a positive or negative direction? Why? 
  4. How do you define success? 
  5. How much stress is in your life and what is causing it? 
  6. What people in your life support you and what people drain your energy? 
  7. What do you like the most and least about your day? 
  8. What parts of your life are not of your choosing? 
  9. What works well about your life now? 
  10. What are your biggest fears about yourself? 
  11. What are your biggest fears about success? 
  12. What motivates you to succeed and evolve as a person? 
  13. What are the three most important things you’ve learned about yourself? 
  14. What lies are you currently telling yourself?
  15. If you could start over, who would you be? 
  16. In what areas of your life are you irresponsible or childish? 
  17. What habits do you have that you would like to drop? 
  18. What is the one regret you don’t want to have in your lifetime? 
  19. What kind of problems and crises do you keep attracting? 
  20. What do you keep doing that limits your success? 
  21. What games are you playing with yourself and others? 
  22. What’s the secret you are most concerned about people discovering? 
  23. What are you attached to that you need to let go? 
  24. What do you feel most passionate about? 
  25. What do you have now that you’d like a lot more of? 
  26. Have you considered the possibility of having the life you really want? 
  27. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the personal quality of your life? 
  28. What vision do you have for your life? 
  29. What limiting beliefs do you hold on to that prevent you from moving forward? 
  30. How often to do other people’s agendas run your life?

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