Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Personal Growth Strategies that May Work For You - They Did for Me!!

We all need to go through our journey of Self Discovery to find our magic strategy for personal growth.

Over the years i have become more practical and focus my energy on actions and beliefs that have worked to improve the quality of my life and state of my mind.

Few Points which have worked for me:

Be in the Present : Only the Present " Keep your attention focused on this moment right now".

Focus Deeper : I focus on fewer things. I strive to be engaged in the task at hand and remove other distractions.

Create Ripple Effect of Kindness : Its simple - You just have to be kind to people, to speak warmly, to smile and acknowledge and say "Thank-you ". When you practice kindness you inspire others to do the same.

Be Like a Child - Learn something new from every person and every life experience. Try something new and savor every aspect of learning.

Know your Personal Values : Our core values are the most important principles of our lives . Our actions and life decisions should reflect our values.

Make it Simple and Offer no Struggle - Less is truly more and let events take care of themselves without forcing them.

Self Love and Self Respect and Stop worrying what others would think of me. I am authentic and I was free to become myself fully.