Monday, May 9, 2016

Reflection Series- Chaos

We all know how it feels to be centered and we also know how it feels to be off – not connected and maybe a little down in the dumps.

Each chaotic situation I encounter now has started to give me a chance to develop positive energies. Instead of reacting negatively to the noise around me, I have started to step into my inner self, close my eyes, and bring peace with my anxieties.

Sukhasana, Stithprathanaasan & Meditation keeps me grounded. When I take time each day to close my eyes and breathe, I become calm. I try now to allow the circumstances around me to determine my reaction or state of mind. My response is based on how I allow myself to feel inside.

Self-talk also helps me to center myself amidst the frenzy of life. I remind myself that the outcome of each challenge is dependent on how I react to it.

When I listen to my own voice above all the others, I gain clarity of thought. The noise suddenly quells when I choose to hear what I have to say. This approach gives me power over even the most confusing circumstances.

Looking at a scenario from the outside gives me clarity to manage it well (learning the trick )

When I take myself out of the equation, I get a better view of what is happening. 
It gives me a chance to think wisely and clearly.

Today, I know that I am better equipped to handle the chaos of life than i was few years back. 

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.    How do I identify those chaotic situations that I am better off leaving behind?
2.    What other practices can I adopt to help with centering my mind?

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