I am excited to share that my first step towards Coaching to Wellness begins in June 2016.
I am assisting Senior Yoga Practitioner Mrs Hemangi Marathe at her Yoga Studio " Yoga Plus" to coach clients on Traditional, Advanced & Power Yoga.
I feel each Kid should practice Yoga Techniques to live a meaningful and contented life. As an endeavour I am starting Yoga sessions for Kids " Yoga For Life " at my residence from June onwards.
What is the need for wellness coaching?
People don’t need more advice about vitamins, or to
be told to exercise or lose weight or stop smoking.
They need an accountability partner who is an expert
in change.
The mission of wellness coaching is to help people establish healthier
I have chosen Yoga as my wellness coaching tool. Yoga integrates the mind, body and spirit with a balanced flow of
energy. It is an ongoing process of choices that become the stories of
our lives.
Wellness is never static. Wellness must consistently be
assessed. Wellness is not something that you begin to plan at age 65,
or even at 55 or 45 years of age. Rather, every choice you make each
day writes your continued journey to wellness ... “your wellness
One reason that wellness has been elusive as a concept is that there
are so many viewpoint and concepts that individuals are really not
sure which method to use to begin to feel better and therefore,
develop better health.
Your body is the only one you will have for the rest of your life. Your
body is irreplaceable; everything about its care and maintenance
matters. It reflects the cumulative care you take of it.
Wellness of the senses also deserves consideration, as
sensory information is a form of energy input into the
wellness system. Our senses channel significant
information on an ongoing basis to inform and
protect our system.
Recognizing authorship of your wellness story includes awareness of
the process and behaviors of mind, body, and soul. The authorship
includes the physical, emotional, and spiritual patterns that you
engage on a daily basis. It means recognizing true needs and
distinguishing them from wants.
Mind includes constructive and creative use of your mind; knowing
and living up to your ideals; maintaining a loyalty to your ideals; and
nurturing close friendships.
Body includes making the choices that are in your best interest;
informed, consistent pursuit of nutrition, exercise, and safety.
Spiritual includes self-awareness and nurturance; meaningful
endeavors; expression of feelings to others; asking for and getting
what you need.