Do you find yourself hating your life right now because you aren’t living with passion or you exactly don't know what is your passion?
I know what it’s like to wake up with dread and low-level anxiety, wondering what’s wrong with me and why I can’t find happiness and fulfilment.
Those days when nothing is fun, nothing is meaningful, nothing is interesting, are some of the most soul-crushing times of our life.
So between this moment right now and the time you live your passion, are you destined to live in mediocrity and unhappiness? The answer is No ...
Ways to Live with Passion :
In Your work :
Begin by getting clear on what you DO like about your job. Write down everything good about your job — the people, the space, some elements of the work, your office chair, etc.
Even small improvements can give you a sense of control and hope.
In Your Relationships :
During times of transition and unhappiness, we often take out our negative feelings on the ones we love the most.
It begins with communication, sharing your feelings, worries, and dreams.
In Your Health :
Spend time during your day to focus on healthy habits like exercise and good nutrition.This will boost your self-esteem, your overall energy, and your mood. Having a sense of control over your physical well-being provides the emotional strength to make other necessary changes in your life when the time comes.
In Your Finances:
Find joy in saving and appreciating all of the material blessings you have.
In Your Skills:
Use this transition time to improve your skills in an area you enjoy. Savor the process of learning and gaining proficiency through practice.
In Your Pursuits :
This is a great time to start checking things off your bucket list.These relaxing pursuits can relieve stress, enhance creativity, and potentially lead you to a life passion.
In Your Personal Growth :
A huge leap in personal evolution occurs with the realization that you are responsible for your happiness.
In Your Passion Search:
View your passion search as a grand adventure.Don’t allow the frustration of not having a life passion overshadow the opportunities to live passionately today, right now.See the transition as a beautiful resting place to gather energy, get healthy, save money, learn skills, and become more evolved as a person.
When it’s time to meet your passion, you will be happy, healthy, and prepared.