Thursday, September 29, 2016

Swipe or Settle - Make your Relationship Last!!

Choosing a partner is a most important life decision. The right partner enable career success, family happiness and improves our own self - worth. Its about the Choices you make with them...

One must choose wisely else this fear of choosing unwisely makes us repeatedly swipe or constantly question the relationship we are in, even after we have chosen.

It's like Hunt until you find the perfect one OR enjoy with the not so perfect one everyday and allow the relationship to become perfect for you.

It takes a lot of work to produce a lasting bond and the right reactions for the relationship to last longer....

  • Love is a Daily Choice
  • Co-create a Dream and it does matter that you want the Same things in Life
  • Once something is forgiven, it needs to be released...Let It Go 
  • Pick someone you like doing nothing ..haha one get older there is a lot of doing nothing!
  • It takes a family to support a long partnership...
  • Retain yourself as an individual with your Self- Worth.
  • Make romance out of mundane things 
  • That desire to always be close.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Personal Growth Strategies that May Work For You - They Did for Me!!

We all need to go through our journey of Self Discovery to find our magic strategy for personal growth.

Over the years i have become more practical and focus my energy on actions and beliefs that have worked to improve the quality of my life and state of my mind.

Few Points which have worked for me:

Be in the Present : Only the Present " Keep your attention focused on this moment right now".

Focus Deeper : I focus on fewer things. I strive to be engaged in the task at hand and remove other distractions.

Create Ripple Effect of Kindness : Its simple - You just have to be kind to people, to speak warmly, to smile and acknowledge and say "Thank-you ". When you practice kindness you inspire others to do the same.

Be Like a Child - Learn something new from every person and every life experience. Try something new and savor every aspect of learning.

Know your Personal Values : Our core values are the most important principles of our lives . Our actions and life decisions should reflect our values.

Make it Simple and Offer no Struggle - Less is truly more and let events take care of themselves without forcing them.

Self Love and Self Respect and Stop worrying what others would think of me. I am authentic and I was free to become myself fully.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What is to Live with Passion !!

Do you find yourself hating your life right now because you aren’t living with passion or you exactly don't know what is your passion?

I know what it’s like to wake up with dread and low-level anxiety, wondering what’s wrong with me and why I can’t find happiness and fulfilment.

Those days when nothing is fun, nothing is meaningful, nothing is interesting, are some of the most soul-crushing times of our life.

So between this moment right now and the time you live your passion, are you destined to live in mediocrity and unhappiness? The answer is No ...

Ways to Live with Passion :

In Your work :

Begin by getting clear on what you DO like about your job. Write down everything good about your job — the people, the space, some elements of the work, your office chair, etc.
Even small improvements can give you a sense of control and hope.

In Your Relationships :

During times of transition and unhappiness, we often take out our negative feelings on the ones we love the most.
It begins with communication, sharing your feelings, worries, and dreams.

In Your Health :

Spend time during your day to focus on healthy habits like exercise and good nutrition.This will boost your self-esteem, your overall energy, and your mood. Having a sense of control over your physical well-being provides the emotional strength to make other necessary changes in your life when the time comes.
In Your Finances:
Find joy in saving and appreciating all of the material blessings you have.
In Your Skills:
Use this transition time to improve your skills in an area you enjoy. Savor the process of learning and gaining proficiency through practice.
In Your Pursuits :
This is a great time to start checking things off your bucket list.These relaxing pursuits can relieve stress, enhance creativity, and potentially lead you to a life passion.
In Your Personal Growth :
A huge leap in personal evolution occurs with the realization that you are responsible for your happiness.
In Your Passion Search: 
View your passion search as a grand adventure.Don’t allow the frustration of not having a life passion overshadow the opportunities to live passionately today, right now.See the transition as a beautiful resting place to gather energy, get healthy, save money, learn skills, and become more evolved as a person.
When it’s time to meet your passion, you will be happy, healthy, and prepared.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

To Live a No Regret Life

It might seem like you have plenty of days left (especially if you’re younger than 40 or so), but remember that most of your time is taken up with work, sleep, and the tasks of just living. Those things alone account for 18-20 hours of every day, with a few more free hours on the weekends.
That doesn’t leave much time for the good stuff — the stuff you’re working so hard for. The stuff you dream about — the adventures, the relationships, the memories, and goals that are important to you.
They never do those important things they always planned on doing. Somehow time slips away, it seems too costly or impossible to achieve. Other things keep getting in the way and jumping to the top of your priority list.
Then one day you look back with regret at all of the things you wanted to accomplish but never did.  “If only I’d taken the time to . . .”
It takes planning, saving, and determination to make these things happen. If you don’t want to look back with regret, you must create your bucket list and start checking things off, month after month, year after year.
Few of My Ideas for a No Regret Life :
  • Travel for Fun, Adventure and Learning !
  • Find and Live your Passion
  • Be Daring 
  • Make Amazing Connections
  • Improve your Health & Fitness
  • I've always wanted to Go to ... A live TED Talk ..add on yours
  • Change it Up - Don't live a predictable Life

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Questions which helped me on my Path for Self Discovery

Well crafted questions are powerful tools to invite insight and solutions for our life. We are all naturally curious and want to discover more about ourselves.

Consider working with a coach or a mentor to support you moving forward and achieving your best life.
  1. Who or what is holding you back the most right now and why? 
  2. What do you need to accomplish in your life to feel fulfilled and complete? 
  3. Is your life moving in a positive or negative direction? Why? 
  4. How do you define success? 
  5. How much stress is in your life and what is causing it? 
  6. What people in your life support you and what people drain your energy? 
  7. What do you like the most and least about your day? 
  8. What parts of your life are not of your choosing? 
  9. What works well about your life now? 
  10. What are your biggest fears about yourself? 
  11. What are your biggest fears about success? 
  12. What motivates you to succeed and evolve as a person? 
  13. What are the three most important things you’ve learned about yourself? 
  14. What lies are you currently telling yourself?
  15. If you could start over, who would you be? 
  16. In what areas of your life are you irresponsible or childish? 
  17. What habits do you have that you would like to drop? 
  18. What is the one regret you don’t want to have in your lifetime? 
  19. What kind of problems and crises do you keep attracting? 
  20. What do you keep doing that limits your success? 
  21. What games are you playing with yourself and others? 
  22. What’s the secret you are most concerned about people discovering? 
  23. What are you attached to that you need to let go? 
  24. What do you feel most passionate about? 
  25. What do you have now that you’d like a lot more of? 
  26. Have you considered the possibility of having the life you really want? 
  27. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the personal quality of your life? 
  28. What vision do you have for your life? 
  29. What limiting beliefs do you hold on to that prevent you from moving forward? 
  30. How often to do other people’s agendas run your life?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Love & Relationships !!!

Love has so many obstacles but we still go after it with determination - Because it is a Noble Pursuit!
We long for love, strive for love because it reveals our greatest good. It shows us our capacity to feel and measure our capacity to give.

It can bruise us , batter us , reshape us but we still leap through fire to find it. As there are two sides to the coin even Love reveals our deepest hurts and most deplorable behaviour.

However, unique Blessing of Love is its remarkable Healing Powers. Unless the wounds are too deep or the walls too high, we almost always welcome Love back with open arms.

A good and loving relationship is like a prized garden. If you want the flowers to grow and bloom, you must carefully tend the garden every day. You must place it in a sunny spot, water it daily, keep away predators, and pull the weeds. Even plants thrive with loving words and appreciation. Your relationship needs and deserves your attention every single day. 

An amazing relationship doesn’t just happen. It needs your full attention. If you are passive about tending to the garden of your love with your guy, weeds are going to grow in the form of bitterness, boredom, and resentment. 

Have a plan—take the time to understand what your beloved needs and wants. Know what makes him happy and work to create more of that in your life.

All problems in relationships boil down to one thing: lack of communication. Whether our concerns relate to money, sex, kids, affection, career or any of the various reasons we fight or get angry, when we don’t communicate our needs and discuss our differences, things will inevitably break down. You’ve been there. So have I. 

We are turf-oriented creatures, even with our most intimate relationships. We want to protect what’s ours —emotionally, psychologically, and physically—often at the expense of those we love most. Good and close relationships require letting go of some of that turf, compromising, and accepting that the other person’s needs and feelings are as valid as our own. 

When your brain is healthy, it helps you be kind, intimate, creative, thoughtful, loving, and committed with your partner. If your brain thinking is dysfunctional, it can cause dysfunctional behaviors like distraction, impulsiveness, negativity, selfishness, or unfaithfulness. Clearly, these behaviors will undermine your chances for intimacy and love

Friday, September 2, 2016

A Meaningful Life Involves Both Creation & Choice !!

The vast majority of our Life is in our Control. One can decide what you value and love and then create accordingly.

"We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with hopeless situations. "

The first step is to Define what is Meaningful to YOU. You have to sculpt a vision for your life that can serve as a road map for every choice and action you take.

It takes a lot of courage to to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life and in change is the power.

Becoming clear about priorities helps us to have a balanced life. Life tugs in various directions. It is completely upto you to decide where and how you want to expand your time and energy.

" It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute ..that give meaning to our Lives. "

Contribution of Excellence, Contribution of Purpose, Contribution of Love, Contribution of Encouragement.

Proactively find ways to apply your talents and skills in ways that serve others and bring joy, humour, beauty and love into this world.

Our close relationships are probably the most important and meaningful facets of our lives. They are vital for our sense of well-being and satisfaction in Life.

Tending to your relationships properly involves desire, self-examinations, behaviour change, forgiveness and creativity.

Beauty is the quality that thrills the soul and makes life vibrant. The more you seek and absorb it , the more profound and essential it becomes to you. Experiencing Beauty is necessary to a meaningful and fulfilled life.

Engaging in creative endeavours is critical to the meaningful development of both personality and human relationships. Fostering creativity is an exercise in developing your soul and your intellect.

Without deeper level of awareness and learning life cannot be intensely meaningful. Our physical lives provide us the fertile ground for discovering areas of growth we need. We have fears to overcome, beliefs to let go, wounds to heal, relationships to develop, truths to be discovered and lessons to be learned.

" The Only Journey is the Journey Within "

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Change Careers - Life Coach My Story !!

I had spent my entire professional life working in Human resources in corporate and consulting. 
Something happens to us at mid-life. You wake up one day and you challenge your status quo.  I started asking myself " What is my purpose? "

Sometimes this happen when you are shaken up by life crisis of various kinds like health, relationship issues etc.

Deciding to change career almost at midlife is not the safest route but i found my passion a career that would excite me and keep me at my Best version. 

Starting all by yourself as a Life Coach is overwhelming at times !

But i had to determine Life Priorities , i was looking at fulfilling work which would give me enough time and money for family, travel and inner peace and happiness.

I had to take a stock of my Financial Realities! What kind of savings do i have? Can i afford to take a pay-cut? What will be my backup plan?

I was very clear that i would go the Entrepreneur way taking up responsibility and living in uncertainty!

This requires self discipline , immense hard work & proactive approach.

I had spend time learning about self and knowing what will be deeply satisfying for me. I knew that I am a going to be a Good Life Coach.

I challenged my limiting beliefs. I took a chance on myself and am following my Dream.