Thursday, July 14, 2016

Ways to Destress Yourself!

People get stressed by work, by the kids, by their boss, by their spouse, by the sports team they follow, by the TV, by noise, by traffic, by the weather, by the Government and almost anything else you care to mention.

I am confident that you don't possess a victim mindset and you are prepared to do what you need to.

Put Yourself First : Don't take me wrong that doesn't mean you have to be selfish or uncaring.You should be the most important person to you. Family and friends may only be a whisker behind, but you're number one!

Commit to taking time out for yourself on a regular basis.
If you came to me for Life Coaching this is one of the elements that is non-negotiable.

If you aren't prepared to give yourself the support you need and deserve, then neither I nor anybody else can help you.

So before you move on, ask yourself the question “Am I the most important person in the world to me” and if the answer is anything other than “yes” you have some up front work to do, because you're wrong. 

Learn to say No !

Watch What you Put into Your Body & Exercise Regularly

Breathe Properly and Say Aaaahhhhh!!

Ask Better Questions like Who can i forgive?, Who can Help me ?, What am i truly grateful for?, What can i do to break this pattern of Behavior?

Laugh More & Get Real

Slow Down & Be in the Moment

Relax your Body & Mind!

Chunk Down - Chunking is the art of taking something that needs to be done and breaking it into easy-to- manage chunks.

If the task must be done and you can't seem to get to it, do the following:
  Remove everything else from the list
  Make a promise to a loved one to complete the task
  Ask friends and colleagues to check in with you and see how you're progressing
  Always go easy on yourself; you're doing the best you can! 

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