Thursday, July 21, 2016

Brain Oh Brain !!

" The mind is something that the brain creates because the mind told it to "

Through this post i want you to understand How Amazing The Brain is and also its undoubted Limitations.

I want you to realise just because your Brain tells you something, it doesn't necessarily makes it so.

A thought is a physical pathway in the brain. That’s why having the thought “Why do I suck?” is never a great idea because you start to create a self fulfilling prophecy as it becomes harder and harder to shake the belief that you suck.

The quality of your thoughts is highly correlated to the quality of your life.

Think great thoughts and you’re way more likely to lead a great life; it really is that simple if sometimes difficult to actually implement. As the great William James once said, “The greatest breakthrough in my life time is the realization that man can alter his life by altering his thinking.” 

Reframe negative situations, a reframe is where you decide to look at a negative situation in a more empowering light.

It doesn’t involve changing the actual event (that would be delusional) just adjusting your view of it. If you want to get good at reframing, simply ask yourself the following two questions (or whichever is most pertinent at the time) when things aren’t going to plan.

What else can this mean? What can I learn from this? 

Leaving aside degenerative brain disease, your brain never loses the ability to learn, change and adapt to new situations, because it’s effectively plastic and constantly rewiring itself depending on the context.

Leopards may indeed not change their spots, but you’re not a leopard and you can change, if you really want to that is, and your brain is up for the challenge whenever you are. 

Your brain is fairly poor at distinguishing between what’s really happening and what you are merely imagining. Which is why horror films scare people and porn films, er...ahem, well you know what I mean.

Your brain was disproportionately large compared to other organs when you were born. That’s why babies look a bit like aliens. Not yours of course, yours are cute, just other people’s babies.

Your brain just loves familiarity even to the point of preferring people with the same name as you. Weird eh?

You are more likely to prefer somebody who does the same job as you, supports the same sports team, is the same nationality, belongs to the same club or group or even has the same type of dog.

If you exercise your brain with puzzles, memory games and reading excellent self development blogs, you can continue to grow new neurons all your life. 

The reason you can’t tickle yourself is because your cerebellum knows it’s you doing the tickling and sends a message to the rest of your brain to ignore the sensation and refuses to laugh.  Try it out!

After about the age of 25 and just as we reach peak development, the brain starts slowly shrinking. Some research has suggested that the male brain shrinks faster than the female one (not a surprise to the female population).