Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Do Not Become a Difficult Person Yourself!

These pointers will help you identify and eliminate bad attitudes to ensure that you are not becoming a difficult person yourself:

Respect People Always: Be aware that all are entitles to their rights, beliefs and opinions. Don't consider yourself to be better than others. This will get rod of self conceit which is the root of disrespect and being inconsiderate.

Follow a schedule but don't be too rigid with it:Don't be too harsh on the implementation on work schedules and deadlines.People need encouragement. Be kind to them. Learn to let go of things that pressure you. 

Enjoy what you are doing: Work must support Life and not the other way around! When work becomes a burden then sooner or later everyone becomes a difficult person.

Never assume to know everything: Even if you do, always consider what others have to say.

Never give unsolicited advice: Don't give advice to people who hasn't asked for advice and more so to people who don't look like they need them.

Learn to admit fault and apologize:Admitting your fault does not always mean you are wrong.

Love must override rules and regulations: Don't decide on matters in a way that negates personal choices of other people. Guide them but never dictate terms.

Don't be unreasonable: Remember that you yourself also have limited potentials.

Never humiliate people

Nurture a sense of humor: It will keep your sanity intact. A sense of humor can change persons and tight situations.

Watch your health and exercise regularly. Try to maintain ideal weight and get enough sleep!

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