Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Cinderella Secret!!!!

Cinderella is one of the most popular fairy tales of all time. Children and adults love to hear about the magical night when a hard working young woman triumphs over her mean stepsisters.

The story has captured our imaginations so completely that we tend to call all kinds of events a Cinderella story as long as things turn out well for a likeable underdog. To star in a version of your own, take a look at what this princess can teach you about  the 3P's - Punctuality, Patience, and Power.

Cinderella Lessons about Punctuality:

Cinderella puts herself in danger when she breaks her promise to her fairy godmother about coming home from the ball before midnight. Being on time reduces stress and shows others that you care about their needs.

1.     Focus your thoughts. Cinderella broke her curfew because she was having so much fun at the ball. Being mindful of your priorities will help you to keep your eye on the ball even when you’re having a ball.

2.     Honor your commitments. Live up to your promises, especially when you’re dealing with your fairy godmother or anyone who has been generous with you. Show others that you’re respectful of their time.

3.     Set reminders. Does time slip away from you? Use the alarm function on your cell phone to remind you of appointments or post a note on your computer screen.

4.     Plan ahead. Maybe you’re trying to pack too much into each day. Budget extra time for errands and projects so you have a little cushion.

Cinderella Lessons about Patience:

Cinderella endured many difficulties. Her stepmother and stepsisters insulted her and made her do all the housework. When she did have a chance to relax, she had to sit by the fireplace.

1.     Transform ordinary tasks. One reason Cinderella is so appealing is that she stayed cheerful while washing dishes and sweeping floors. Look for the purpose behind your daily tasks to make them more meaningful.

2.     Develop alternatives. Cinderella didn’t give up her dreams just because she didn’t receive an invitation to the ball. If you run into an obstacle, find other ways to reach your goals.

3.     Overcome adversity. Cinderella wasn’t just lounging around even when she was sitting in the ashes. She was picking out the peas and lentils her family threw there. You can find opportunities in challenging situations.

Cinderella Lessons about Power:

Some modern critics are concerned that Cinderella seems passive. After all, what would have happened if the prince didn’t show up to rescue her? If you want to succeed, take charge of your future.

1.     Make your own magic. Miraculous things happen even when you don’t have a fairy godmother or prince to help you. Thinking strategically and putting your heart into your work will prepare you for amazing accomplishments.

2.     Be kind. Fame and fortune didn’t turn Cinderella’s head. She invited her family to come live with her and her new husband. Sharing your blessings with others will strengthen your relationships whether you live in a palace or a studio apartment.

3.     Live authentically. Cinderella’s sincere goodness shone through when she was dressed in rags, and when she put on an evening gown. Find a path and build a legacy that fits you just like the glass slipper that hugged Cinderella’s foot.

It takes more than glass slippers and pumpkins turning into coaches to create a Cinderella story. Being patient and powerful will help you to enjoy your own happy ending. It also helps to return home before midnight J

Anxiety & Eating Disorder !!!

Eating disorders commonly co-occur with anxiety disorders. For those who have an anxiety disorder, a co-occurring eating disorder may make their symptoms worse and recovery more difficult. It’s essential to be treated for both disorders.
An eating disorder is present when a person experiences severe disturbances in eating behavior, such as extreme reduction of food intake or extreme overeating, or feelings of extreme distress or concern about body weight or shape. A person with an eating disorder may diet, exercise, or eats excessively, which can have life-threatening or even fatal consequences.
People with binge-eating disorder experience frequent episodes of out-of-control eating. But they do not purge their bodies of excess calories, and many people with this disorder are overweight or obese. They experience feelings of guilt, shame, or distress, often leading to another cycle of binge eating.
Obese people with binge eating disorder often have other psychological illnesses, too, including anxiety, depression, and personality disorders. 
Anxiety often stems from emotions such as low self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction, and feeling powerless. It can also occur from stress, fear, and pressure from peers and parents.A strong correlation exists between anxiety and self-harm type behaviors, including eating disorders. 
Controlling food is a way to control life itself, and the people in it. Eating disorders are a way to manage situations that cause fear or anxiety, in much the same way as other people may use drugs or alcohol.

How to Create Anti- Anxiety Diet - Remove or Moderate the below:

  1. Fried foods
  2. Alcohol
  3. Coffee
  4. Refined Sugars
  5. Acid forming Foods
Foods to eat that weaken your Anxiety:
  1. Fresh fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Water
  4. Tryptophan Rich Foods
  5. Magnesium Rich Foods
  6. Omega 3 fatty Acids
  7. Cuppa Chamomile Tea/ Green Tea
Eating these foods is not going to cure your anxiety but they should reduce your anxiety symptoms.Apart from Diet one needs to Exercise and Meditate also to reduce anxiety.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Diet to Fight Depression!

Everyone needs a nutritious diet filled with vitamins and minerals. However, you can use the secrets from top experts to strengthen your health with additional foods and supplements.

Your diet affects your mental health, too, and has a strong impact on depression.

Try these diet adjustments to feel better both mentally and physically:  

1.     Get more vitamin E. This vitamin can help lift your mood and has other benefits such as helping to keep your skin healthy. You can find vitamin E in multiple food sources and supplements. It’s easy to add to your diet by simply eating more nuts.  
Seeds, nuts, oils and other items have vitamin E. You can help fight your depression by adding them to every meal.

2.     Get more vitamin C. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and naturally improves your mood.
Vitamin C is available in supplement form, but it’s also easy to find in food and beverages. Citrus fruits and drinks are a popular source of this vitamin. You can also find vitamin C in broccoli, potatoes, peppers, and kiwi.

3.  Increase your selenium. Selenium is an important nutrient that can be found in food and supplements. It affects your mood and mind. This mineral has an impact on depression, so it’s important to get enough of it in your diet.
You can find selenium in beans, lean meat, nuts, seeds, grains, and seafood. It’s easy to add more peanuts or legumes to your meals. You can also try to add more clams, sardines, or crab.
      Dairy products that are low-fat are also a popular source of this mineral.

4.    Watch your protein. Researchers have found that tryptophan, commonly associated with turkeys, can make you sleepy and happy. It increases the serotonin levels in your brain and decreases the risk of depression.
     Turkey is an easy way to get more tryptophan and add more protein to your diet. However, other sources like Pumpkin seeds, Soya seeds, Cheese , Tuna, lean cuts of chicken, Oats , Eggs etc also helps to fight depression.

5.     Consider the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet has multiple benefits for heart health and other parts of your body. This diet can also affect your mind and decrease depression.
The Mediterranean diet focuses on fish, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and healthy grains.It allows low-fat dairy and other products. You can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables on this diet.
      The Mediterranean diet allows healthy fats and oils, so you can season your salad without feeling       deprived. You can also eat different herbs and spices that add richness to your food.

Mainly, this diet limits red meat and sugar.

6.   Nutrients and your diet. Your depression will improve with a diet that is complete and      nutritious. Ensure your diet includes all of the essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients.
 A diet that has variety will keep you from getting bored. 

Your diet has a great impact on your mental health. Follow these nutrient tips and you’ll notice a positive difference in your health and your life!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Tips on Meditation for Beginners!

Meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, has become extremely popular over the last few years. While meditation can be very simple, there are several common mistakes and misconceptions about meditation that you’ll want to avoid if you’re new to the practice.

Getting started on the right foot increases the odds of maintaining your meditation practice and getting the most benefits from it.

Use these tips to avoid meditation pitfalls:

1.     Sit up straight. Slouching may be comfortable for a couple of minutes, but it takes more strength than you think to support poor posture. Sit up straight and let your skeleton support your weight.

2.     Start slowly. Just a couple of minutes is enough to start. There are two good reasons for this. It’s easier to be compliant when you only have to sit for three minutes at a time. It’s also challenging to meditate for an extended period of time if you’re not experienced.

3.     Meditate multiple times each day. By sitting for just a couple of minutes, you should have time to sit for multiple sessions. You might want to try meditating for a few minutes each hour.

4.     It’s all about the breath. Your breath connects you to the moment and helps to keep your mind focused. The breath isn’t something to be focused on intensely, rather it acts as an anchor to maintain awareness of the present.

5.     Count if necessary. If you’re struggling to maintain awareness of your breath, count your breaths. Count each inhalation until you’ve reached five and then start over.

6.     Keep your eyes opened slightly. It’s easier for your mind to wander from the present if your eyes are closed. Keep your gaze lowered and soft.

7.     Acknowledge thoughts but avoid dwelling on them. All thoughts should be treated the same. They’re just phenomena passing through. Let them go and return your attention to the breath.

8.     Be patient. It seems like it should be easy to concentrate for a few minutes, but the mind likes to stay busy. It’s a challenging habit to break. Be patient.

9.     Sit comfortably. It’s not necessary to sit with your legs folded up like a pretzel. Any position that can be held comfortably for the planned time is good enough.

10.  Use a timer. Without a timer, you’ll find yourself worrying about the time and continue to peek at the clock. Set a reliable timer and you won’t be as preoccupied with the time.

11.  Increase your meditation time by 5 minutes each week. Avoid the temptation to progress too quickly. Ideally, you’ll look forward to your meditation sessions. Progressing too quickly causes restlessness and agitation.

12.  Consider getting expert assistance. There are many free opportunities to meditate with others. Look for local meetups or contact your local Buddhist temple. With so many people meditating, you’re bound to find an expert willing to help.

13.  Take every opportunity to meditate. Meditating at home under perfect conditions is great practice, but the ultimate goal is to have the ability to meditate anywhere. A skilled meditator can meditate on a 99-degree packed, loud, smelly, subway.

14.  Be persistent. If you’re meditating each day with the full intention of improving, you’ll eventually become a skilled meditator.

15.  Stretch first. Your meditation position should be comfortable and easy. If your position feels like a stretch, you won’t be comfortable. Stretch first.

16.  There’s no reason to be concerned about your hands. Just place your hands comfortably on your lap. Allowing your hands to be lower can eventually pull down on the shoulders and become uncomfortable.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Self Reflection Series- Meditation!

Being present in each moment allows me to have days that are fulfilling. Conscious involvement in each thing that I do encourages positive decision making. When I meditate, it helps me to set my intentions for the day ahead.

Each morning gives me a chance to define my purpose in life. The quiet time when I wake up helps me to formulate a plan for making the most of my time.

Meditation allows me to connect to my inner beliefs. Having that connection reminds me to focus on what I truly value. I live according to what I believe is wholesome and just.

When I look within, I consider the impact that my actions have on my circle of influence. My focus is on being a positive influence for those people.

As I meditate, I realign myself with that focus and commit to living positively for the day.

Quiet time at the end of each day also helps me to re-center myself. Reflection allows me to identify shortcomings and develop a plan of action to overcome them.

Today, I acknowledge that there is significant value in meditation. Being able to focus on my inner being is helpful in allowing me to experience rewarding days.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.    What activities can I engage in to enhance the value of meditation?
2.    How do I realign with my belief system after an emotionally challenging day?