Thursday, October 20, 2016

Good New - Bad News- Your Thoughts!

Good News: You are in control of your life. 
Bad News: You are in control of your life.

Good News: You can exert power to do what you want in your life. 
Bad News: That power is not inert, rather it is always responding, moving.

Good News: You can harness power and direct it.
Bad News: You have a default mode that until addressed can work against you.

Good News: All energy is moving energy.
Bad News: That you may not be focusing energy to where you need it most.

Good News: Everything has a choice embedded in it.
Bad News: Even those who do not think they are choosing, are.

Good News: There is no such thing as doing nothing. 
Bad News: Doing nothing, inertness, is a choice.

Good News: What you focus on, you bring about. 
Bad News: What you focus on, you bring about

Good News: You can change your circumstances by what you think. 
Bad News: You can change your circumstances by what you think.

Good News: Your current thoughts create your future. 
Bad News: Your current thoughts create your future.

Good News: If you want change, change your thoughts. 

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