Friday, October 14, 2016

Determine if your Life is Well Balanced!!

A well-balanced life. This is the primary ingredient to a life of happiness and contentment.

Evaluate your life and measure how balanced your life is:

  1. Do you have enough income to meet your basic needs and to pursue your hobbies, take a nice vacation, and splurge on yourself from time to time?
  2. If your health is limiting your life, is there something you can do to strengthen it?
  3. A job that makes you miserable taints the other parts of your life, too.
  4. Do you feel that you’re developing as a person? Do you have the free time you need to pursue your other interests?
  5. Love can come from a variety of sources. Parents, children, significant other, close friends, and pets are a few sources of love. Are you getting enough?
  6. You might not need to live like a monk on a mountaintop, but perhaps you need a few hours alone in a peace with self.
  7. Are you able to get out of the house as much as you’d like and spend quality time with others? If you’re a loner, you might only need a couple of friends. A social butterfly will require more.

Take the time to rate each item on a 1-10 scale. Any items rated 3 or less require immediate attention. If your income is rated a 7, but your social life is a 2, you’ll be much happier by enhancing your social life than you will by increasing your income further.

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