Friday, November 4, 2016

Turning your Life Around - Sure follow the Key Strategies

I used the below strategies to begin turning my life around. I know everyone’s situation is different but if you adopt these strategies, I’m sure you will start seeing improvements in your life. 

Just remember that no matter how bad it may seem, you can always start over. I’m living proof of this.

Remove your Self Limiting Beliefs:

If you’re not familiar with self-limiting beliefs, tell me if any of these sound familiar to you:

“I’m not good enough.”
“I’m such a failure.”
“Nobody wants to be with me.” 
“I don’t deserve better.”

If you’ve ever had any of these thoughts or something similar, then you know what self-limiting beliefs are.
All the negative things that we believe about ourselves are NOT true. Instead, these thoughts stem from some other sources.They are usually a result of some outside factor or external event.

In order to turn our life around, we have to overcome and remove these self-limiting beliefs.

I want you to write down all the things about yourself that you are proud of. These could be accomplishments, your personality traits, anything that makes you proud to be you.

Now,I want you to take a self-limiting belief you are struggling with,look at what you wrote about yourself, and ask yourself the following:

“Do I believe this to be true about myself?” 

Take your Own Advice:

Pretend your best friend is in the exact same situation that you’re in right now.He or she has the exact same challenges as you do and can’t seem to figure out what they need to do.Don’t think it in your head. Write it down so that it’s right in front of you and then take the advice you’ve given and apply it to yourself. 

Stop Worrying about what hasn't happened Yet:

Here’s the thing you need to understand about the future, it can always change.A bright future can turn bleak just as much as a bleak future can turn bright.It’s not constant nor definitive.Instead, what you should be focusing on is the present because your present heavily influences your future.That is something that you can control, and the sooner you realize that the better off you’ll be.Work on the challenges that you have today. Those are real, and they’re not going away anytime soon. Just remember that you are in control of today and what you choose to do today will dictate what tomorrow has in store for you.

Stop Victimizing yourself:

By blaming others, it made it easy for me to cope with reality.The problem with blaming others is that you don’t learn how to take action to solve your problems.Whatever the case may be, we always have to start with ourselves first even if we believe someone else is a part of the problem. We can only change what we control. We can’t change the things we can’t control.So how do we stop victimizing ourselves? Through forgiveness. 

When you forgive yourself and forgive others,it allows you to find peace in your heart. Once you have peace, it’s easier to take a personal analysis of your life and see what areas you can begin affecting change. 

Appreciate the things you have :

What I want you to do when you wake up everyday is to write down on a piece of paper one thing you are grateful for.Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, if it’s something that makes you happy, make sure you appreciate it and not the things you don’t have. Positive thinking is contagious.When you begin to introduce happy thoughts into your life, your body will naturally function better. Your mind will function better and you will start making better decisions. 

It’s the confidence of knowing you can always turn your life around and start over.

Be patient and understand that the journey begins with a single step. It’s a marathon and not a sprint. As long as you’re moving, you’ll get there, but the most important step is to start moving.

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