Wednesday, June 16, 2021

What is most Important in Life - Dedicated to All StepDads 😊

Fathers Day jus being around, it’s the right time to pen my thoughts and dedicate this post to all the Step Dads ..

There is a reason why I have written stepdad as they have to really put that extra effort to win the heart of the kids who are not there’s !!!

We grow up but the things that affect us as human beings don’t change and one of the most important relationship is of Father- Kids or Dads - Kids - isn’t it !

My son and his step dad cherish their human connection, they have built such a strong fondness for each other and take care of each other with kindness and affection ❤️ 

This has left such a wonderful experience with my son that he in the future wants to have a big family of his own and takes care of his real kids like his step dad does for him. 

One of the easiest ways to tell if the father and kid are in a healthy relationship is whether they act as a Cheerleader for each other 

Do the father or son are ridiculing each other as they grow up making each other weak and worthless or they help each other to Rise up with lots of encouragement ,,, 

The duo communicates with each other on how much they love each other giving strength to each other …

They appreciate each other by doing small things for each other daily…

They accept each other as they are which gives them the confidence around other outside people who may. not understand their relationship …

They are best friends in need and seeing my son and his step dad laughing, giggling and getting irritated with each other at time ——  confirms the feeling that good people really do exist !

Love and spread the cheers Happy Fathers Day Aryan and Devansh