Wednesday, June 16, 2021

What is most Important in Life - Dedicated to All StepDads 😊

Fathers Day jus being around, it’s the right time to pen my thoughts and dedicate this post to all the Step Dads ..

There is a reason why I have written stepdad as they have to really put that extra effort to win the heart of the kids who are not there’s !!!

We grow up but the things that affect us as human beings don’t change and one of the most important relationship is of Father- Kids or Dads - Kids - isn’t it !

My son and his step dad cherish their human connection, they have built such a strong fondness for each other and take care of each other with kindness and affection ❤️ 

This has left such a wonderful experience with my son that he in the future wants to have a big family of his own and takes care of his real kids like his step dad does for him. 

One of the easiest ways to tell if the father and kid are in a healthy relationship is whether they act as a Cheerleader for each other 

Do the father or son are ridiculing each other as they grow up making each other weak and worthless or they help each other to Rise up with lots of encouragement ,,, 

The duo communicates with each other on how much they love each other giving strength to each other …

They appreciate each other by doing small things for each other daily…

They accept each other as they are which gives them the confidence around other outside people who may. not understand their relationship …

They are best friends in need and seeing my son and his step dad laughing, giggling and getting irritated with each other at time ——  confirms the feeling that good people really do exist !

Love and spread the cheers Happy Fathers Day Aryan and Devansh 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Hope it’s not too late !!!!!

For some things in Life you should not feel Hope it’s not too late !!!!

Listen to your intuition ....breathe and follow your heart ❤️

Stop living for other people and their opinions. Be true to YOU.

In every situation do your best.... once you know better than do better !

Stay patient and stay positive

Just give what you can. No one has ever become poor by giving.

If you’re lucky enough to have a body that’s in good health, be wise enough to keep it that way.

It’s often our thinking that hurts us not limit your thinking

Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it’s meant to be.

Actions always speak louder than words. So work hard in silence, and let your success be your noise.

You’re always growing. Experiences don’t stop. That’s life.

Enjoy !!!

Monday, February 8, 2021

Who shined the spotlight on the reality...???

 Do you know the answer to the Title ? 

Yes , COVID did so ...we got back to basics making our lives simpler , isn’t it !!! 

We Changed our focus. – We realised that the happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. The mind is where half of the things you thought were going to happen, never did happen. But if you allow these thoughts to dwell in your mind, they will succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, and ultimately your life. You will think yourself into a nervous breakdown, into depression, and into defeat. Because, to a great extent, you are what you think.

A beautiful day always begins with a beautiful mindset. When you wake up, take a second to think about what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy.The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I assure you it will start to feel like one

We accepted and Fought today's battles ONLY. – No matter what’s happening, anyone can efficiently fight the battles of just one day. It’s only when you add the battles of those two abysmal eternities, yesterday and tomorrow, that life gets overwhelmingly complicated. 

We started to catch up on sleep, made time for fun and laughter, eating healthy enough to maintain peak energy levels, and making time for recovery from the pressures of life.

We Respectfully care less. – Today, I challenge you to make this your lifelong, daily motto: “I respectfully do not care.” Say it to anyone who passes judgment on something you strongly believe in or something that makes you who you are.

People will inevitable judge you at some point anyway, and that’s OK.You may not be able control all the things people say and do to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Make that decision for yourself today. 

So let’s continue with these 3 things to make our life simple even after things go back to normal 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tuning Out the Noise !!

Self-reflection and personal growth are things many of us tend to leave out of our daily routines 

My article always promotes positive self-talk and could help empower others to develop their own growth mindset that they can apply now as well as to future adversities life will undoubtedly throw at them.

With social distancing and slow down as we are now working from home this is the best thing to do – Journaling your thoughts and feelings!

There is nothing immediately exciting about forcing yourself into self-reflection through journaling for a short time every day, but by doing so, i assure that we will have better lives.

We teach our kids to make notes for whatever is important in school, at workplace we make important notes so then why not make a Journal of your own thoughts and feelings!

The mind needs to be trained to gain strength.It needs to be worked consistently to grow and develop over time.And that’s precisely what a daily ritual of journaling will gradually allow us to achieve...

You can write down what you did today, what you tried to accomplish, where you made mistakes, and so much more.

You can capture your thoughts on the below pointers in your Journal , choose different ones for different days 

  1. Whats stressing you out today? And what can you do to improve your response?
  2. What can you do to ease your mind today?
  3. What do you love about your present life circumstances?
  4. What brings you peace and why?
  5. Whats one privilege you have that your'e taking for granted?
  6. How can you better accept the discomfort that you may be experiencing?
  7. What can you let go right now without losing a thing!
  8. What small step you have been thinking to take far too long?
  9. Whats something you take too personally?
  10. How will you remind yourself to ease your expectations today?
  11. Who was the last person who was kind to you and what did you do to be kind to others?
  12. How will you choose yourself today?
  13. What has your inner wisdom been trying to tell you?
  14. What does a new beginning mean to you today?
  15. What an old pattern of behavior you would like to change?
So lets take out 5 mins each day and capture our important thoughts and feelings!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Choose to Answer the Call !!!

So many times we have this thought that " This isn't working" or "Something is off about this" or as we all say "Things have to Change"

Nobody has to tell you as you already know...

We all have our wakeup cals but we are too busy or distracted to answer them!!

Really listen to your inner voice and change will be easy and exciting too!!

We have a choice!! Gradually we can change our life !!!

I have a personal story to share which hopefully will inspire you 

I dint plan myself to make the changes which i have made over a decade :

Overcome a heartbreaking divorce and loss of a child
Declutter my physical and mental space
Deepened my most imp relationships
Own my imperfections
Progress towards a major life transforming Goal

Gracefully let go of the things and people not meant to be together and gain more clarity on what we really need in our lives!

If your life is an auto pilot mode then its your wake up call
If you have never put your needs first then its your wake up call
if you are constantly distracted then its your wake up call
if you are stressed out, depleted and beat up then its your wakeup call
if you are a changed person that you cannot resonate with you then its your wake up call

Choose to answer the call !!!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Listen to all but Follow your Heart !!

During the lockdown days we have the entire family together for a larger period of time, the kids have more time to observe the parents and pick up actions and perspectives from their parents and siblings which will become an integral part of their lives!!

I was thinking about the whole experience of childhood and parenthood and everything in between...

My list of things which i keep sharing with my son and shall continue to remind him for several years till he is big enough to tell me Mom i know all this ....

Don't base your attitude basis the situation rather choose your attitude which will save you from frustration and stress.Choose wisely and intentionally.

Be funny and courageous.

Smile, laugh and be joyful.

Let go of the need to complain about Life rather enjoy the small moments and living its beauty.

Don't run away from things, what needs to be done should be done within that stipulated time.

Be thankful and show Gratitude towards life and people

Focus on what needs your attention presently and action it out.

Don't be anxious over uncertainty, believe in yourself and handle whatever comes your way.

Make the attempt..everything that you achieve comes from what you attempt.

Choose to learn, choose to grow and choose choose to become more aware of yourself.

Be genuine and authentic ..Be Real

We all have Goals ...simple, short term , longterm ...choose goals which are positive and meaningful 

Don't get pulled in all the directions... choose what you value most in Life and this is what will create you.

My son is a Miracle child and thus i believe that Miracles do happen everyday..

Whatever you choose in Life do with complete enthusiasm and dedication.

Use every opportunity to showcase your skills and keep improving oneself by accepting challenges

Celebrate small success and your progress which will help you to realise how far you have come 

Don't limit yourself with others opinion...allow yourself to be yourself !

Make your own Rules but don't Break Laws or Rules ..

Treat everyone with kindness and respect - and start with yourself! 

Embrace humility and Being Humble 

Admit when you're wrong and apologise with grace

Don't miss an opportunity to tell people how wonderful they are- Live so that people will enjoy your presence!

Keep an open mind, go somewhere new, do something different

Don't be afraid in Life, your parents will always support you, the bond and security we have created is the most important thing in our relationship.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Time to Simplify ...

In this moment wherein lockdown is making us crazy and we are in retrospect on how to declutter and simplify our lives, i would like to share my perspective on what to eliminate from life for more peace and ease in your life !!

We need to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary can speak !!

Eliminate any negative thoughts and fill it with gratitude and stop wearing Fear!

Live how you need...Stop pleasing around and be true to yourself!

The less physical and mental garbage in your own space, the better you will to focus on what is important and what matters the most !

Just remember where attention goes the energy flow in the same direction give your attention to positive, laughter, hope and faith

Be realistic in life, simple and assertive in your approach, forgive more and accommodate diversity

Go with self care - mentally , emotionally and physically.

Focus on your dreams and present goals !

When we too tightly believe in everything that we think is the truth...we should question our thoughts and we will realise that life is more lighter and peaceful than overreacting basis our thoughts!

Simplify your life by letting go guilt, pain, expectations, pressure to prove yourself, your failures !!

Stay Home, Stay at Peace !